
sjøsetting av FENRIS ( Launcing of FENRIR)


Well, it was an impressive feeling to see all that people here to see the name celebration, done by me, Julien, Kai Linde, the builder, Florence to throw the "vikingfjord vodka" and Francois to play some bagpipe songs.
I choose the name Fenrir, who was the wolf of the Ragnarøk, the end of the world, the wolf who will fight with Odinn and kill him at the end of time... but not for all those reasons.
My favorite old scandinavian god is Tyr, one of the warrior gods and also god of a given word. When the gods tryied to tied Fenrir with a chain, they said: Fenrir, a strong wolf like you can't be afraid of a so thin chain , just let us tied you to show how strong you are...
Fenrir was suspicious, but he want to show that he was very strong so he let them tied him, and break the chain. A few days later, the gods come with a stronger chain and ask the same, Fenrir agree to be tied and break the chain but, when they come later with a very thin rope, made with different things, like a fish breath, a catwalk noise and else, he suspect a trap and ask to have one god¨s hand in his mouth before getting tied. The gods was not so happy to have a hand in that mouth cause they knew that Fenrir could not break the chain and that he would bite... here cames Tyr, he put his right arm in Fenrir's mouth even he knows that the wolf would bite cause you have to do what you said,and the other gods tied the wolf. Of course Fenrir cut the arm.
Inamed my ship after this wolf cause this ship is a bit like the wolf for me, I said that i'll try to carry this trip and I would not remove my arm before the end...

Well the Party ended well, and we are now packing every things to be ready tomorrow to leave Rognan for our first sailing day direction: Bodø, but before that, we have to pass the Saltstraumen, a very strong whirlpool...
We will be together with Swen and his ship for this first day,
he stay as nice as he had always been with us...


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