
After Ballycastle, Glenarm and Larne


We left Ballycastle after being told by the harbour master that vikings don't need to pay and we rowed and sailed (a little) passing fair head at a speed of 6.5 knots,6 hours for 27 miles not too bad....
In the marina, Tom the Harbour master, welcomes us with a "old bush" bottle and said that vikings don't pay...
We have been invited for a good soup in "charlie's emporium" and we left in the morning after finding a salmon in a fish farm,(very good after being cook with a dram of "old black bush")
we tried to reach Bangor but after 15 miles of taking and taking again, we headed for Larne where the peopple in the Yacht club invited us inside the club house for a night in good shelter.for us, Fenrir is at a mooring in the bay and moves quiet a lot...
we will try tomorrow to reach Bangor ...


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